Holiday campus Kosov u Zábřehu

Kosov lies within the mountainous region of the Jeseníky Mountains. Located to the west of Zábřeh, in the southwestern part of the Březná Nature Park, the village is accessible via a road connecting Zábřeh to Lanškroun or Moravská Třebová.

Our accommodation at Kosov offers wooden cottages with electricty. Each cottage will house two students. Students are advised to bring their own sleeping bags/bedding and a pillow. More information about what you will and will not need on the course will be sent to you in your confirmation letter after you have registered.  

In line with our commitment to creating an atmosphere conducive to deep meditation and reflection, our accommodation ensures separate living spaces for male and female students. Additionally, shared bathroom facilities are also segregated, with separate areas designated for men and women. This ensures privacy and tranquility for all students during their stay at Kosov.


By train to Zábřeh in Moravia, then transfer to bus No. 932277 towards Hoštejn and get off after 15 minutes at the eighth stop "Kosov, restaurace". Walk back approximately 400 m along the road, and the site is located on the right side after a slight hill and bend.

By car from Zábřeh in Moravia towards Hoštejn, take road No. 315. Kosov is approximately a 10-minute drive between these towns. The site is on the left side. Parking is available at the center.

By car from Hoštejn (Lanškroun), take road No. 315. The site is located at the end of the village, after a slight hill and bend, on the right side.